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Clean Approaches for Coaches




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Clean Approaches for Coaches is about creating the conditions for change within a coaching session, quite naturally and without giving advice, making suggestions, or interpreting your clients’ needs. It answers a question many new coaches have: “OK I get that it is the client who does the work and that I have to keep my opinions to myself - but how do I do that?”.

Throughout the book, there are plentiful examples, diagrams and case studies to aid your learning. Written in a clear and engaging style, with quirky illustrations created by the author, this is not just a how-to book. It is also a story book and a reference book. And whether you are a new or experienced coach, and whether you are new to Clean Language or a veteran, this is a must-have book.

You can:

  • read the introduction to the book here.
  • attend a course based on this book.


If you’re new to Clean Language, this beautifully organised and thoroughly user-friendly guide will take you by the hand and lead you through the initial strangeness of asking - and answering - Clean questions, and then through each important stage of working more “cleanly” with clients, including a very reassuring section on what to do when none of it seems to work. More experienced practitioners will appreciate the way each aspect of Clean is discussed in the light of current research and the way the often fascinating case-study transcripts (don’t miss “I Fart in Your General Direction”) are presented in bite-sized colour coded chunks with zippy illustrations and very helpful question-by-question commentary. One reason why this book works so well is because Marian Way spent five years figuring out how to present both the fundamentals and the fiddly bits of Clean in a way that follows the inner dynamic of an actual Clean session. Her great ability to present the convolutions of each client’s inner landscape clearly and coherently will make this book an essential addition to your Clean library.

Nick Pole

I received the book on Wednesday and I couldn't put it down! Marian, you are brilliant. You explain things so clearly, and everything in your book, to begin with its structure, supports what you try to convey. For example how you start a case example, then leave it, start a new one and in the next iteration return to the first one, so the reader gets to experience firsthand that metaphors do indeed 'stick' and they are relatively easy to remember. Plus you teach flexibility and 'going with whatever presents itself' at the same time. You then do that within case examples as well. Also, your book is the first that gives me some concrete handles on the matter of which question to ask next when you are developing symbols. I've had difficulty asking for locations, and now I see why that is, and how I can better tell when that information is ready to be accessed. You reminded me that 'clean' also means that whatever you do fits with and follows from the internal logic of the client, and that the timing of a clean question also determines the 'cleanliness' of that question!So now I am starting to re-read, taking the time to soak up the details and all their implications and letting it all sink in.

Hans Van Laake

I'm delighted with my copy of Clean Approaches for Coaches. It's both great for the beginner and robust in its dealing of the advanced material. I enjoy the attractive layout, the clear tables and diagrams and the many real examples. It's faithful and respectful of the Clean Language community and the body of knowledge and the book helps advance it by pointing to next steps for the reader. Well done Marian, it's an excellent source of learning and reference for all Clean Language students.

Brian Birch